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3 Holiday Marketing Tips (It’s Not Too Late!)

By: Andrea Panno

marketing ornaments

Large corporate clients invest in multi-million dollar marketing campaigns to take over the holiday season. While many small and medium sized businesses don’t have the budget to market their services in the same way, there are still valuable lessons to be learned from what these giant campaigns are doing, and also from what they are doing wrong.

Lesson 1: Target your message to the “giftee.”

During the holiday season, advertising is all about the giftee, not the gifter. Rather than telling your target market how your product or service benefits them, tell them how it helps the person they are buying for.

Lesson 2: Leverage feel-good family moments.

To distance themselves from commercialization, many businesses focus on family during the holidays. To do this, their campaigns often try to capture feel-good moments within the family dynamic. However, it’s important to incorporate how the advertised product or service can help create the feel-good moment, rather than having the product or service feel forced by placing super-imposed business logos all over the advertisement.

Lesson 3: Stay consistent and focused.

Your holiday branding and marketing campaign needs to be consistent. Coca-Cola, one of the most successful corporations in the world, consistently features an image of Santa drawn by artist Haddon Sundblom in their winter campaigns. This uniformity avoids the campaign feeling disjointed.

There is a reason why these lessons are implemented in multi-million dollar campaigns. It’s important to figure out if some of these techniques could benefit your business. It’s not too late!

For marketing and all other full-service integrated marketing, please contact Sagefrog Marketing Group at 215-230-9024 or visit