When developing a lead generating, marketing campaign successful marketers know to use an integrated approach regarding strategies. Employing several tactics such as: email marketing, SEO, SEM, direct mail and tradeshows to just name a few, allows marketers to develop solid campaigns and strong relationships with clients and prospects.
While developing a lead generating campaign, reaching the target from several sources rather than just one, can be what makes all the difference creating a list of highly qualified leads to go after.
So what makes up a qualified lead? Review these attributes:
- SIC or NAICS code
- Firmographics (revenue, #employees, # of locations)
- Decision makers and influencers identified
- Environment documented
- Decision-maker engaged
- Business pain(s) uncovered/validated
- Decision-making process and timeframe documented
- Budget allocated or process for budgeting documented
- Competitive landscape documented
- Sense of urgency or compelling event exists
For successful lead-generating campaigns and all full service, integrated marketing please visit Sagefrog Marketing Group at sagefrog.com or call 215-230-9024.