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Maximize Your INBOUND Experience: Your Quick & Easy Guide to a Productive Event

By: Alyssa Dannaker

As the excitement builds for INBOUND 2024, it’s time to start planning your experience at one of the most anticipated marketing events of the year. HubSpot’s annual INBOUND conference is a three-day event packed with the latest insights in marketing, sales, and even AI. Attendees can expect to be inspired by powerful keynote speakers, dive deep into educational sessions, and discover new tools through HubSpot product demos and fellow attendees and vendors.

Beyond the learning, INBOUND also offers a unique blend of networking opportunities and entertainment experiences. It’s an essential event for anyone aiming to advance their marketing and sales skills and apply that knowledge to see success in any industry.

Whether you’re a seasoned attendee or a first-timer, proper preparation can make all the difference in maximizing your experience. As a long-time HubSpot Platinum Partner Agency and seasoned INBOUND attendee, Sagefrog has perfected our strategy for getting the most out of this event. From top sessions to day-of tips, here’s everything you need to know to make your INBOUND adventure great.

What to Expect at INBOUND 2024

INBOUND 2024 is shaping up to be an incredible event with a lineup of top speakers, interactive sessions, and plenty of chances to make new connections with peers. Here’s a sneak peek at what you can look forward to:

  • Top Speakers & Sessions: It may surprise first-timers, but INBOUND always attracts some of the biggest names in marketing, business, and innovation. This year, HubSpot is bringing in Ryan Reynolds, Serena Williams, and David Spade, among other accomplished leaders. Browse the event website for the full list of INBOUND keynote speakers and find sessions in the INBOUND agenda. Planning your must-attend sessions, workshops, and tactical breakouts in advance is crucial, as some require registration and many will fill up fast. There’s also a long list of targeted agendas for INBOUND, offering curated sessions specifically designed for marketers interested in AI, professionals in revenue operations, HubSpot Solutions Partners like Sagefrog, and more.
  • Illuminating Networking: INBOUND is packed with opportunities to mingle with your peers in marketing and sales and to discover new ways of leveling-up your own HubSpot strategy. This year’s event has both INBOUND communities and meetups that create an environment for deeper conversation and engagement through small groups. You should plan to attend at least one of these special events to build meaningful connections, exchange ideas, identify potential clients or partners, and gain fresh insights that can directly impact your marketing and sales efforts.
  • Helpful Extras: INBOUND goes beyond the usual conference experience by offering a variety of helpful extras to keep you energized and focused. Enjoy complimentary lunches with VIP access, recharge at Power-Up Lounges for both you and your devices, and find moments of calm at the Quiet Spot to escape the noise for a few minutes. There’s also a Prayer Room, accommodations for accessibility at INBOUND, and a few pop-up food and beverage bonuses. Explore all INBOUND amenities to ensure you have everything you need to fully enjoy your time in Boston.

Your INBOUND Preparation Checklist

There’s nothing worse than investing time and money to attend a major event like INBOUND, only to find yourself scrambling to choose sessions at the last minute or overlooking valuable networking meetups. Poor planning can turn what should be a thrilling, productive experience into a stressful, disorganized one. When you head to Boston, you don’t want to just attend INBOUND—you want to truly benefit from everything INBOUND has to offer.

A little preparation goes a long way. To get you started, we’ve put together a checklist of some basic tips and reminders that will help you navigate INBOUND with ease.

  1. Plan Your Sessions Early: Popular sessions can fill up fast, so save a seat for those that require pre-registration. Then write a prioritized list of sessions with start and end times so you don’t miss out on the content that matters most to you. Consider building in some buffer time between sessions to navigate the venue and avoid rushing. This way, you can stay organized and fully engaged throughout the event.
  1. Schedule Your Breaks (Including Lunch!): With so much going on, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of INBOUND and forget to take a breather. Plan for regular bathroom breaks and take advantage of the Power-Up Lounges to recharge your devices. Don’t forget to schedule lunch—extended lunch hours this year make it easier to grab a meal and relax. You might want to consider participating in any offered activities like yoga to refresh your mind and body before stepping back into the action.
  1. Bring Practical Shoes: With so much ground to cover at INBOUND, comfortable footwear is essential. You’ll be walking between sessions, vendor booths, and networking events, so make sure your shoes can handle the long hours on your feet. Opt for supportive shoes that you’ve broken in beforehand to avoid discomfort. It’s also a good idea to pack care items like band-aids or blister pads just in case! Practical shoes keep you comfortable and on track, so you can enjoy the event without sore feet.
  1. Stay Hydrated: Maintaining your energy at INBOUND requires staying hydrated throughout the day. With refilling stations available across the conference center, bringing a reusable water bottle is both convenient and eco-friendly. This way, you can skip buying bottled drinks and stay energized as you move through each day’s agenda. Keeping hydrated will also help you maintain focus and stamina, ensuring you’re always present and ready for whatever comes next.
  1. Network, Network, Network: Networking is one of the most valuable aspects of INBOUND, so it’s essential to start early and stay engaged. Begin by following the official INBOUND LinkedIn page and connecting with other attendees on social media before the event to lay the groundwork for great conversations. Then during the event, don’t limit yourself to just the sessions—seek out vendor-sponsored networking events in the evenings where you can forge new relationships.
  1. Visit All the Vendors: Make it a priority to visit the vendors’ booths during INBOUND. You never know where your next brilliant partnership might come from, or what might inspire your next big idea. Plus, there’s always the chance to win prizes and collect some swag. Remember to leave extra room in your suitcase! Grab freebies like notebooks, pens, and stress balls to bring back to the office and share a bit of INBOUND with your colleagues.
  1. Plan for Luggage on the Last Day: One thing that often slips through the cracks when attending multi-day conferences is planning for your luggage on the final day. Since you can’t bring your luggage into the conference center, it’s important to make arrangements ahead of time. After checking out of your hotel, leave your bags with the concierge or in the hotel’s storage area. This lets you attend your final sessions without the hassle of dragging around your belongings.
  1. Have Fun!: Remember that INBOUND is as much about enjoyment as it is about learning. While it’s essential to soak up all the knowledge and networking, don’t forget to take in the full experience. Engage with the creative installations, attend social events, and explore what the host city of Boston has to offer if you get time in the evenings or if you extend your trip. Whether it’s discovering a hidden gem in the city or simply enjoying the vibrant atmosphere, you’ll want to savor every moment.

Enjoy INBOUND 2024

INBOUND 2024 is more than just a conference—it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the latest marketing trends, connect with like-minded professionals, and leave with actionable insights that can drive your business forward. With the tips in this quick guide, you’ll be well-prepared to maximize your time at INBOUND and return to your team inspired.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Need help leveraging HubSpot’s full potential? Sagefrog is a HubSpot Platinum Partner Agency with deep expertise in optimizing HubSpot for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re looking to streamline your marketing automation, enhance your CRM capabilities, or drive more impactful campaigns, our team is here to guide you every step of the way.

We offer tailored HubSpot services for B2B companies that align with your specific goals, ensuring you get the most out of HubSpot’s powerful tools. Contact us to discover how we can elevate your marketing strategy with HubSpot.