“92% of consumers say they put their trust in recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising. In addition, 70 percent reported that online consumer reviews are their second most trusted source.”(source)
This “street cred” (AKA social proof) is the basic principle that if the people I trust (my friends and family), trust a product/person/business, then I can too. So, how do you build social trust, especially in the digital world? Follow these guidelines:
- Connect with experts in your field
- Ask customers for their written testimonials
- Use positive statistics
- Thank consumers for their mentions on Facebook and Twitter
- Use Klout (a website that gives you a score from 1-100 based on your social influence)
For results-driven online marketing, messaging, and all other full service integrated marketing please visit Sagefrog Marketing Group at sagefrog.com or call 215-230-9024.