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5 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing

By: Andrea Panno

Email marketing is an effective and convenient way to communicate with your audience. As inboxes continue to fill up with promotional mail though, it is more important than ever to ensure your message stands out from the crowd.

Ensure your company is taking advantage of email marketing’s easy set-up, low cost and high ROI, by considering these 5 email marketing tactics.

Offer a Free Giveaway

Offering your readers a free white paper, eBook, informative report, etc. is an effective way to not only entice your audience to open the email, but to also take the action of learning more about what your company offers.

 Provide Multiple Subscription Opportunities

Reach a broader audience by giving everyone who looks at your website ample opportunity to sign up for your emails or newsletter. Include sign up forms and call-to-actions on your website’s header, side-bar, below blog posts, on landing pages, or pop-ups.

Link Back to Your Website

The science of email marketing includes offering your readers the optimal amount of content. Try providing your readers with short snippets of content, followed by a link to your website or blog for the full article. The more people that read your content, the more trust they may have in your work.

Provide Valuable, Engaging Content

When developing content for your next email, assess the content balance between promotional and educational. Ensuring there is an optimal mix of both, while also helping to move your prospects toward reaching a goal or solving a problem will engage your readers to keep an eye out for future emails.

 Make It Easy to Read

Structuring your emails as brief, one to three sentence paragraphs, or as bullet points, makes your email easy to read. Recent studies have also shown that while 48% of emails are opened on a mobile device, only 11% of emails are actually optimized for mobile. Keep this in mind and make sure your emails are convenient for your readers.

For email marketing, including responsive emails, and all other full-service integrated marketing, please contact Sagefrog Marketing Group at 215-230-9024 or visit
