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10 B2B Email Marketing Best Practices to Dominate 2024

By: Jack Clark

In B2B digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is not just a competitive advantage—it’s a necessity. In 2024, B2B email marketing is poised for transformative changes and innovative strategies for success in a saturated market. To stay ahead of the competition, it’s vital to be aware of the trends and changes redefining email marketing and how to leverage these tactics for your own sustained success.

10 B2B Email Marketing Tips to Dominate 2024

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  1. Address Privacy Concerns
  2. Segment Audience Lists
  3. Email New Subscribers Within 24 Hours
  4. Leverage Generative & Analytical AI
  5. A/B Test Subject Lines
  6. Implement Authentication Practices
  7. Standardize Email Personalization
  8. Embrace Interactive Email Experiences
  9. Incorporate Visual Trends in Email Design
  10. Optimize for Mobile

Best Practices for Email Marketing to Follow for 2024

Embracing inbound marketing principles is paramount in today’s digital age. Gone are the days of mass email without consideration for recipient interest. To thrive in 2024, businesses must adopt a more targeted and personalized approach to B2B email marketing.

Let’s explore some cutting-edge strategies and B2B email best practices that will set you apart from the competition and ensure your emails not only get read but get a response:

1. Address Privacy Concerns

While not a new trend, privacy considerations are increasingly critical in B2B email marketing.

In the United States, the CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing) Act was enacted in 2003 to regulate commercial email and messages. This legislation establishes guidelines for businesses engaging in email marketing and imposes penalties on those who violate its provisions. To ensure compliance with CAN-SPAM, your email communications must adhere to the following requirements1:

    • Every email you send must prominently feature your valid physical postal address.
    • Provide recipients with a clear and conspicuous method to opt out of receiving further emails from your business.
    • Use transparent “From,” “To,” and “Reply to” language that accurately identifies the sender.
    • Avoid using “no-reply” or similar sender names, which hinders recipients’ ability to unsubscribe from your email communications.
    • Refrain from selling or transferring email addresses to third-party lists, maintaining the privacy and integrity of your subscribers’ information.

With the advent of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU in 2018, the international landscape of email marketing underwent a similar significant transformation. Today, data privacy and protection are paramount, with only 8% of consumers trusting brands to safeguard their personal information.2 To enhance data privacy, you must provide subscribers with clear options to manage their preferences and unsubscribe if they wish. This ensures recipients have control over the content and when they receive it—and that your business complies with GDPR regulations.

2. Segment Audience Lists

Segmentation remains a cornerstone of effective B2B email marketing. You can deliver more relevant and personalized campaigns by dividing your audience into smaller, more targeted groups based on characteristics such as interests, geographic location, or buying stage. The more data you collect and leverage with a modern CRM, the better you can tailor your emails to specific segments. E-commerce brands, in particular, can benefit from this practice by sending highly targeted content based on user preferences and behavior.

3. Email New Subscribers Within 24 Hours

Timing is everything in email marketing. Capitalize on the immediacy of subscribers’ interest by sending an initial email within 24 hours of their subscription. This reinforces your brand in their minds and sets expectations for future communications.

Automated email workflows are invaluable for this purpose, allowing you to engage and nurture new contacts seamlessly. Whether welcoming new subscribers or delivering exclusive offers, timely communication is critical to building lasting relationships with your audience.

Boosting B2B Lead Conversion Rates with Automated Email Workflows

4. Leverage Generative & Analytical AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize B2B email marketing, offering marketers unprecedented insights and automation capabilities. In 2024, we’ll continue to witness a shift from basic AI tools to more sophisticated applications, including AI writing assistants, subject line generators, and template builders.

These AI tools empower marketers to create highly personalized and targeted campaigns that resonate with their audience. From optimizing send times to predicting subscriber behavior, personalizing subject lines and product recommendations, and more—AI is poised to drive significant advancements in email marketing effectiveness.3

5. A/B Test Subject Lines

Crafting compelling subject lines is essential for email campaign success. A/B testing allows you to experiment with different variations and determine which ones yield the best results. Email automation tools make it easy to analyze open rates and optimize subject lines for maximum engagement. By leveraging data-driven insights, you can refine your approach and improve key metrics like open and click-through rates without manually experimenting with individually crafted email variations.

Our favorite b2b email marketing subject lines

6. Implement Authentication Practices

Authentication protocols are becoming increasingly crucial in email marketing. Major email providers like Gmail and Yahoo are implementing stricter requirements for bulk email senders to enhance inbox experiences for users. Adhering to authentication standards such as Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, & Conformance (DMARC), is essential for maintaining sender reputation and ensuring deliverability. As DMARC adoption grows, compliance with these protocols will be indispensable for successful email marketing campaigns.4

7. Standardize Email Personalization

Personalization has long been a cornerstone of effective email marketing, and its importance continues to grow in 2024. Tailoring messages and promotions to specific audience segments enhances relevance and engagement. Research shows that personalized emails drive engagement and loyalty, while impersonal ones lead to negative actions from recipients. Due to high costs, businesses must avoid the dire consequences of impersonal communication, such as list degradation and campaign failure. Instead, they should focus on the benefits of personalization, including hyper-personalization tailored to individual preferences and behaviors.

Not only is personalized recipient information vital for success, but personalized sender information significantly impacts email engagement metrics. Emails sent from real individuals rather than generic entities enjoy higher open and click-through rates, fostering trust and credibility in recipients. Therefore, adopting personalized sender names and email addresses is crucial for success.

By embracing personalization, genuine sender identities, and interactive elements, businesses can forge deeper connections with their audiences, drive superior campaign performance, and effectively navigate the evolving trends and capabilities of B2B email marketing in 2024.

Personalization in Digital Marketing: Why It Matters for B2B Companies

8. Embrace Interactive Email Experiences

Interactive email experiences are gaining traction as marketers seek new ways to engage their audience. By incorporating elements like polls, surveys, and gamified experiences, brands can create more dynamic and immersive email content. These interactive features increase engagement, encourage recipients to spend more time with your emails, and provide further identifiable data. From quizzes that provide personalized product recommendations to surveys that solicit feedback, interactive emails offer endless possibilities for creative engagement and further refine audience segmentation.

9. Incorporate Visual Trends in Email Design

Email design trends are evolving rapidly, with visuals increasingly important in capturing recipients’ attention. From storytelling through images to minimalist designs for clarity, visual elements can elevate the impact of your emails. Animations, data graphs, and user-generated content are just some visual trends reshaping email marketing in 2024. By embracing these trends and experimenting with new approaches, brands can create more immersive and engaging email experiences for their audience.

10. Optimize for Mobile

With most email campaigns being opened on mobile devices, optimizing for mobile is no longer optional—it’s essential. Crisp, concise copy and attention-grabbing subject lines are key to capturing mobile users’ attention. Designing with mobile in mind, including responsive templates and appropriately sized CTAs, ensures a seamless experience across devices. By prioritizing mobile optimization, brands can maximize engagement and deliver value to their audience wherever they are.

The Future of B2B Email Marketing

Digital marketing is dynamic and constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the trends is essential to success. Adaptability and continuous learning will be critical in navigating new trends and technologies as we look to the future. Survival in the dynamic B2B email marketing landscape requires flexibility and a willingness to embrace change. By staying informed and innovative, marketers can position themselves for success in 2024 and beyond.

The future of B2B email marketing is bright, but success requires staying informed and imaginative. By embracing emerging trends and technologies, marketers can unlock the full potential of email marketing in 2024. From leveraging AI for personalized campaigns to embracing interactive content and visual trends, endless opportunities exist to engage and delight your audience. As we embark on this journey into the future of email marketing, let’s seize the opportunity to innovate and elevate our strategies to new heights—together.

Jump in the pond with Sagefrog’s B2B email marketing experts and see how you can revolutionize your company’s marketing success.

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